• Posted 16/03/2017 9:23am

Tips on how to introduce YouPlanIt Classroom to your students


Below are some ideas on how to introduce YouPlanIt Classroom to your students.  Whichever way you choose to do it the important thing to remember is to do it at the pace of the student's ability.  Don't rush them through a process as this may well discourage ongoing risk taking and disillusionment.  

Anything new takes time.  On the other hand, some student will be able to understand the process immediately and be keen to start the process and learn along the way.  That's good too.

When introducing YouPlanIt Classroom to your students

You don't need to have all your students on YouPlanIt Classroom.  There will be some students that will be able to use it right away, others that need one on one support to get started and others that may take a lot longer to be in the position to plan their own lessons.  In this case, as a teacher, plan the lessons for the students.

Groups within YouPlanIt Classroom can still have the traditional group or mat time with the teacher.

Ideas on how to get started;

  • Tell the students what the program will allow them to do - GO TO "Find out More for students" on the home page
  • Spend time in the week to go through the overviews provided in the 'Help' section of YouPlanIt Classroom.
  • In the student site (login - choose a student that is willing for you to use their site) and go through the process of creating a plan.  It would be great if you showed them how to invite others to the plan
  • Show students how to respond to a plan invite
  • Show the students the work area - see the video on the 'Student Work Area' in the Help menu
  • Let the students have a play with this plan and get to know their way around the program - you can always 'DELETE' this plan once they have a good grip on the work area
  • Show the students how to use 'Chat, Messages, and feedback'
  • Show students how to choose a framework (lesson plan) and to  use the features in the framework
  • Let the students have a go at planning a lesson


  • Go to the student area in our website to explain what WONDER is used for.
  • Show the students how to put an idea through WONDER and then take them through the frameworks, provide suggestions for further planning and show how to plan sub-plans
  • Allow students to go home and work with their parents, teacher or buddies to plan a WONDER project - delete the plan after they have had a good play (or keep it if it works for them)

 Your comments are always welcome.  Link

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