• Posted 16/03/2017 10:56am

We don’t need to learn, how to learn!

YouPlanlt harnesses the natural ability of human learning and provides a place for its expression.

What is Wonder?

Wonder is the root of inquiry.  The development of wonder begins soon after we are born and is driven by the need to understand our world. Curiosity is at the heart of learning. As our children grow and enter school they begin to experience a conflict with their curiosity and the need to fulfill a prescribed curriculum.  They either succeed, sit somewhere in the middle, or fail. 

Wonder does not demand a pass or fail – it simply exists as a path for learning.  It holds in it the curiosity of humanity without judgment or boundaries and provides the highest level of achievement because it is driven by an inquiring mind.   The only limit to a child's  learning is the lack of belief in their own thoughts and the fear that they hold little value. Here's a little illustration of a tiny thought that leads into a journey of surprising richness. 

If I were to take the colour red and tell you that I had a growing curiosity in the colour red you would have to take a few minutes to think why.  Or, even struggle with the idea that I’m a bit coo, coo. But it turns out, once I start exploring the colour red I am lead into a smorgasbord of learning opportunities, cultural biases, scientific experiments, writing explanations, taking interviews, creating posters and reading articles on the colour red.  I have created artworks that suddenly have meaning in simple and powerful ways. I could go on, but you get the idea.  Let's not underestimate the seed thought our a child but rather lean into it to discover the mind of a genius. 

WONDER provides a platform for the inquiring mind to thrash out an idea, to create a deeper understanding and ultimately a place to express to the world a seed thought that has the potential to grow into something of value.  Small or big, it doesn’t matter.  We have achieved the greatest goal of all. Our students are learning to read, write, do mathematical computations, use technology, carry out experiments and engage with our communities because they are captured by a thought that is given the chance to grow.   

This is all achieved because you have captured the heart of learning and provided your students with the tools to express themselves.  Reading, writing, mathematics, science, etc. are no longer prescribed curriculum but rather, tools to help students express their ideas.

I believe this will also lead our students into a place of knowing themselves as they grow into adulthood.  They have discovered who they are through the things they learn using the natural drive of curiosity.

How easy is that?

Learn More

Your comments are always welcome.  Link

05 May

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Well, I don’t think you can!

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