Is a Hybrid Educational platform that switches between student-led and teacher-led learning.

 YouPlanIt - NZ Curriculum Tool for Change

Embracing the good old Kiwi spirit of innovation, we set to work, figuring out a way to mobilise teachers and students to enter a learning space that understood the vision and aspiration of the New Zealand Curriculum Refresh revolution.

We wanted it to understand the complexity of student-led learning and to make it manageable and structured enough so that anyone could be involved in the Learning Process. 

The entire platform is designed as a one-stop-shop where all learning can be co-constructed from concept to planning, marking and reporting.  Included are powerful features that are cornerstones to critical thinking and support our children to find opportunities for learning in the school system that may never have been thought of before.  

With a firm foundation and understanding of the Localised Curriculum, this platform can seamlessly weave both Assessments for Learning and Digital Fluency into one interwoven cord of rich learning opportunities deeply rooted in a vision that children are at the centre of learning.

It is the real deal for mobilising student-led learning and allows students to explore their curiosities and take ownership of their education in a revolutionary way. 


"YPI has the potential to move away from topics completely if that is desirable.  Instead of naming a subject, it can be replaced by the value of an action to communicate the intention of the student." - Tala